Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Beans and Potatoes


I love to share ideas that actually work because there are so many that don't. A few months ago I shared a blog on my DIY potato planter. http://www.nickiadkins.com/search/label/How%20to...gardening . It was a knock off of an idea I saw at Walmart. This week I had the pleasure of seeing if it actually produced potatoes!

potato planter in April

pot within a pot
like treasure hunting!
had enough potatoes to let everyone try
we had a few good ones!

Also very fun...going to the garden and not knowing we had a ton of green beans ready to be picked!

picking green beans

The way I cook all vegetables is pretty simple. I have an Ikea steamer pot. I put a small amount of water in the bottom. I let it come to a boil. I add the veggies, put the lid on and just simmer a couple of minutes. I drain it and throw it in a bowl with a dollop of real sweet cream butter and Alessi Sea Salt (the most flavorful salt!)and pepper. Voila! Green beans, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes...that is how I cook them all and my kids eat them up!

Happy Gardening!